Setouchi Olive Foundation / 寄付のご報告
この度、瀬戸内海エリアの美しい自然の環境保全と再生、豊島の産業廃棄物不法投棄事件である「豊島事件」の意義教訓を伝えることを目的に活動を行う認定NPO法人 【瀬戸内オリーブ基金】の法人サポーターに加わりました。
当事業 SENSO del MARE が第2期を終え、皆様よりご購入いただきました売上の一部を寄付させていただきました。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
We have recently joined as a corporate supporter of the certified NPO, Setouchi Olive Foundation, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the beautiful natural environment of the Seto Inland Sea area. In this endeavor centered around the Seto Inland Sea, we endorse the activity of passing on the beautiful environment of the Seto Inland Sea to the next generation. Although in a small way, we will support this cause as a corporate supporter. SENSO del MARE has concluded its second phase, and we have donated a portion of the sales, which you, our valued customers, have contributed to through your purchases. We sincerely appreciate your support.