The Talented Mr. Ripley -1999- / リプリー -海が関わる映画-


The Talented Mr. Ripley -1999- / リプリー -海が関わる映画-


The Talented Mr. Ripley  / リプリー


1960年にアラン・ドロンが演じたフランス / イタリアの合作映画「太陽がいっぱい」と同じパトリシア・ハイスミス著書の原作を元に作られた映画です。

リプリーの製作に、”The Way We Were / 追憶””Out of Africa / 愛と悲しみの果て” という大ヒット作の監督を務めたシドニー・ポラックが携わっています。作品の内容はそれらと大きく違いますが、演者や演出の色気や眩しさなどはシドニー・ポラックらしさが随所にうかがえます。




Matt Damon
Gwyneth Paltrow

Jude Law
Cate Blanchett 



"The Talented Mr. Ripley" is a film released in 1999. It is based on Patricia Highsmith's novel, the same source material as the 1960 French/Italian collaborative film "Plein Soleil" which featured Alain Delon.
Sidney Pollack, known for directing hits like "The Way We Were" and "Out of Africa," was involved in the production of "Ripley." While the content of the film differs significantly from Pollack's previous works, his signature allure and brilliance can be observed in the casting and direction.

At its core, "Ripley" boasts an exceptional cast:

Matt Damon
Gwyneth Paltrow
Jude Law
Cate Blanchett

With these young and talented actors, the film becomes a gathering of stars, showcasing the charisma and brilliance of each. This alone makes it highly worth watching.




  ” Everybody should have one talent. "






The setting is the 1950s, and the catalyst for everything is Tom Ripley's job as a piano accompanist for a stand-in. Working as a boy in the New York Opera House, Tom Ripley is a poor and lonely young man. At a party where he performs as a substitute for an injured pianist, he meets Mr. Greenleaf, the owner of a shipbuilding company. Seeing Tom wearing a borrowed blazer from the pianist, Mr. Greenleaf mistakenly believes that Tom is a former classmate of his son Dickie, played by Jude Law.

Tom, seizing the opportunity, pretends to be a former classmate and aligns his story with Mr. Greenleaf's assumptions. Mr. Greenleaf then offers Tom a substantial sum of money to bring back his son Dickie, who is living a carefree life in Italy. In exchange for a generous fee, Tom agrees to the task of persuading Dickie to return home.







内向的で冴えない雰囲気のトムを面白く思わなかったディッキーでしたが、彼の ”Talent” に興味を持ち始めたところから、二人の距離は一気に近く深くなっていきます。



The film is set in Southern Italy, featuring a vivid midsummer backdrop with intense sunlight and the brilliant blue sea.

Tom falsely claims to have attended the same university as Dickie to get closer to him. Dickie, along with his fiancée Marge, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, spends luxurious days enjoying the sea in this picturesque setting.

Initially unimpressed by the introverted and unremarkable Tom, Dickie's interest is piqued when he discovers Tom's talent. As they start living together, collaborating to extract money from Dickie's father, sailing together, and occasionally engaging in jazz sessions at clubs, their bond deepens and becomes increasingly close.


My Funny Valentine




「他人になりすまし、他人を欺く」という自身の ”Talent" を、意に沿わぬ形で遺憾無く発揮し、ディッキーを装う二重人像の生活を送ることになります。


Gradually, Tom develops special feelings for Dickie. During their journey, amidst the vast sea, Tom confesses his true feelings to Dickie on a boat. However, provoked by Dickie's mocking remarks, Tom loses his temper and lets his emotions explode.

Having crossed a line as a person, Tom, in order to justify the turn of events, flawlessly employs his own "Talent" of impersonating and deceiving others. He seamlessly assumes the identity of Dickie, leading a double life that perfectly embodies the persona of the person he deceived.








Living life as Dickie, Tom encounters Meredith, played by Cate Blanchett. Meredith, the heiress of the wealthy Rogue family in the textile industry, mistakenly believes Tom to be Dickie, the scion of the Greenleaf shipbuilding company. She becomes entangled and manipulated by Tom's fabricated narrative.

Deftly deceiving everyone, including the police, detectives, Dickie's father, friends, as well as Marge and Meredith, Tom orchestrates a scenario that involves various victims while ensuring his own innocence. Continually pushed into dire straits, Tom Ripley's days, filled with tension, unfold until the very end.




The Talented Mr. Ripleyは非常に暗い内容の映画ですが、視覚的には煌びやかで美しい描写が随所に見られます。



"The Talented Mr. Ripley" is thematically a very dark film, but visually, it is vibrant and beautiful. It appears to have been filmed in the town of Positano near Naples, which, despite not being flashy, is a charming rural town. The natural clothing and behavior of the people who live there, such as Tom, Dickie, and Marge, harmonize wonderfully with the scenery and the town's architecture, creating a very pleasant atmosphere.













そしてディッキーに成りすまし装う生活を始めたトムの変貌ぶりと振り幅です。エスタブリッシュメントの極みのような、清潔の塊と感じさせる着こなしが、トム・リプリーの "Talent" の秀逸さを物語っています。





2011年公開の「Contagion / コンテイジョン」という感染病による世界崩壊の危機を描いた映画がありますが、リプリーとは全く関係ない作品にも関わらず上記のうち3人の再共演が実現しました。


