NAOSHIMA Chichu Art Museum / 直島 地中美術館
Chichu Art Museum / 地中美術館
館内ショップにて、SENSO del MAREの香水をお取り扱いいただいている美術館です。
We are an art museum that carries SENSO del MARE perfume.
The Chichu Art Museum is a contemporary art museum located in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. It was completed in 2004 and has attracted numerous visitors from around the world.
This museum is considered one of the major masterpieces of the architect Tadao Ando.
Naoshima is located in the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea and has gained international fame in recent years as a holy site of contemporary art for over 20 years. Often referred to as the "art island," this island is one of the 12 islands that host the Setouchi International Art Festival and has become one of Japan's major cultural events in just 10 years.
At the Chichu Art Museum, there is a small garden on the way from the ticket center to the museum that evokes Claude Monet's "Water Lilies" paintings.
The Monet Room inside the museum displays five of his "Water Lilies" paintings, and they are exhibited in a space without corners so that visitors can see the works he painted in sunshine light.
Sunshine light is one of the main motifs of the museum, and James Turrell serves as the second permanent artist. His three works emphasize light and perception.
3番目のアーティストはウォルター・デ・マリアです。彼の唯一のインスタレーションである「Time/Timeless/No Time」は、美術館の最大の部屋を占めます。
The third artist is Walter De Maria, whose only installation, "Time/Timeless/No Time," occupies the largest room in the museum.
地中美術館は「パーマネント」。つまり永久収蔵 / 恒久設置作品のみの美術館です。
The artworks of these three artists are not temporary but permanent, as the museum was built specifically for these particular art pieces and does not have any special exhibitions.
The Chichu Art Museum is considered a true "museum" in the literal sense. While various museums exist in Japan, they mostly change their exhibition plans every three to six months. In contrast, the Chichu Art Museum is "permanent." Since 2004, the artworks of the three artists have never been changed, and visitors can always see the same works displayed there for eternity.
多くの鑑賞されるお客様にとって、主な魅力は ”美術館そのもの” ではないでしょうか。
In fact, for many visitors, the main attraction is the museum itself.
This concrete, inorganic, and surreal space is extremely unique and unforgettable for everyone, even those who are unfamiliar with contemporary art or architecture.
SENSO del MAREは地中美術館内のミュージアムショップ「地中ストア」にて販売されております。
自然光がやわらかく入る空間、窓の向こうに見える瀬戸内海というロケーションとSENSO del MAREの香りの親和性が高く、鑑賞された多くのお客様にお試しいただいているようです。
SENSO del MARE is available for purchase at the "Chichu Store" located within the Chichu Art Museum.
The sunshine light-filled space and the beautiful view of the Seto Inland Sea beyond the windows create a perfect harmony with the fragrance of SENSO del MARE, which has been highly appreciated and purchased by many visitors.
My first visit to Naoshima was in 2005. At the time, I had no sensitivity to art or film, but I distinctly remember feeling that the Chichu Art Museum was a space where I could appreciate nature more than by simply being out in the open, thanks to its beautiful sunshine light.
その美術館に弊社の商品が置かれていることは大変感慨深いものがあります。そして、多くのお客様にSENSO del MAREをご試香、ご購入いただけて本当に嬉しく思っております。
地中美術館を鑑賞された際は、是非SENSO del MAREも試香されてみてください。
If you haven't been to Naoshima yet, it's a place you definitely should visit someday.
When you visit the Chichu Art Museum, please try to scent of SENSO del MARE.
※Since the Chichu Art Museum Store is a shop inside the museum, admission fees are required to enter. Advance reservations are also required to enter the museum.
※The images used on this blog were taken only within the areas of the Chichu Art Museum where photography is permitted. Please note that photographing in areas where permission has not been granted, including the artworks of the artists, is strictly prohibited.