I recently had a chance to meet someone who I consider both a customer and a friend. We first met several years ago when I was visiting London for tourism. At the time, he was staying in London and was a young, classical fashion journalist with deep knowledge and a curious spirit. He had connections with many bespoke makers and historic tailors, and he had become completely assimilated into the British culture.
JERMYN ST / SAVILE ROW / NORTHAMPTON とスーツや靴がメインの旅でしたが、当時彼の紹介により今はなきFOSTER & SONで1日だけバイトをしたこともいい思い出です。このほかFLORIS / PENHOLIGON’Sなどのフレグランス、SAVOYやDUKESにも連れて行っていただき、非常に有意義な旅となりました。
Our trip to London was focused on suits and shoes, with stops at JERMYN ST REET, SAVILE ROW, and NORTHAMPTON. He even arranged for me to work for a day at the now-defunct FOSTER & SON. Additionally, we visited fragrance shops such as FLORIS and PENHOLIGON'S, and we dined at the SAVOY and DUKES. It was a very meaningful trip.
He has now moved to Seto Inland Sea and lives in a coastal town. His Instagram features beautiful photos of the Seto Inland Sea, islands, cities, fishing ports, sky, and sunset.
The unchanging landscape of the town for half a century and the contrasting expressions of the sea and sky that show different scenes every day are beautifully and emotionally depicted. It may be a daily scene for him living in Seto Inland Sea, but the scenes captured in photos give a strange and extraordinary impression.
His atmosphere and fashion have also changed a little. He now wears a style without a necktie and has started wearing sneakers. He has updated his fashion to fit in with the local scene. Perhaps living in a place with fewer disasters and a relatively warm climate has brought about a change in his strict thinking and values towards a more peaceful direction.
また機会を作り彼に会う予定です。その時にSENSO del MAREの香りの印象を聞いてみます。
When I started living in Setouchi and felt various changes in my emotions and saw the changes in my friend, who I've known for a long time, I thought there must be a mysterious power in this place that can change people's emotions and values.
I will be seeing him again soon, and I plan to ask him about his impressions of SENSO del MARE fragrance.