香水でうがい / GONE WITH THE WIND - 映画「風と共に去りぬ」
風と共に去りぬ / GONE WITH THE WIND -1939-
The setting is the American South in 1861.
Scarlett O'Hara, played by Vivien Leigh, loses everything in her elegant and extravagant upper-class life due to the Civil War. However, with her hungry spirit, she passionately and sometimes aggressively protects her friends and survives in difficult circumstances.
Meanwhile, it is also a love story in which the carefree Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable, misunderstand each other but love each other (while competing with each other).
Although the setting is in America, and not the British aristocracy, the movie begins in a glamorous world of upper-class gentlemen and ladies. However, this society and the system of slavery are swept away with the "wind" of the Civil War, which is the central theme of the story.
"Perfume gargling" is a scene from Gone with the Wind.
In a scene from Gone with the Wind, Scarlett is grieving over the death of her second husband, Frank, and drowning her sorrows in alcohol alone in her room when Rhett visits her.
After finishing her makeup, Scarlett gargles a large amount of cologne to mask the smell of alcohol on her breath. She then collects the cologne in her hand and rubs it all over her face, hair, neck, and clothes, making sure she is perfectly presentable for Rhett. However, Rhett sees through her facade. You always look like the cat that swallowed the canary."
最初にこのシーンを見た時は驚愕しました。何より劇中にスカーレットが手に取るコロンのボトル。リキュール?のような見た目の瓶なのですが、ラベルには「EAU DE COLOGNE」と書かれています。
When I first saw this scene, I was shocked. Especially the bottle of cologne that Scarlett picks up in the scene looks like a bottle of liquor, but it has "EAU DE COLOGNE" written on the label.
Perhaps at that time, cologne was not sold in hand-sized bottles like today, but in full-sized bottles that looked like they could hold liquor. Maybe using a large amount of cologne was normal back then because they used it so often. It was a scene that made me wonder about various things.
It is likely that in the past, it was common to put perfume (a liquid containing fragrance) in the mouth or even drink it. This is because during the Renaissance period, there was no distinction between:
- Medicines
- Cosmetics
- Perfumes
All of these were treated in a similar manner.
Santa Maria Novella
It is well-known that Santa Maria Novella, a famous fragrance brand from Florence, originated as a pharmacy. It is speculated that fragrances were also created as a part of medicine at Santa Maria Novella.
Now, changing the subject, Clark Gable's body style is simply amazing. He was reportedly 185cm tall, but had a small head, sloping shoulders that curved upwards, a robust and round back, and suits tailored in a manly style. While it may not be practical to dress like him, it's impressive how Clark Gable could pull off that fashion.
The movie itself is quite long, around four hours or so, but it's a masterpiece that continues to be talked about, so I highly recommend watching it.